Pop quiz hot shot! When did Napoleon become emperor? When was the start of World War II? When did MLK give his iconic speech? You'd better brush up on your history knowledge, since you're going to need some serious history chops if you plan on winning the game of Timeline!
Timeline Events Edition comes with 55 cards and a carrying tin. It plays 2 to 6 players and takes around 15 minutes for a single game. Each card has illustrated portrayals of historical events on them, ranging from Renaissance to Prehistorical events and even modern events.
Playing the game is simple! Deal out 6 cards to each player. Each one will have a historical event on them. Then, take the top card of the deck to act as the starting point! After that, each player will take turns laying down a card from their hand, placing it in the correct order in history. Place it in the right spot and you get to leave it on the board. Guess wrong and you have to pick up a new card from the top of the deck. The first player to have zero cards wins it all!
You can mix this deck with other Timeline games!